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joe_blue poems and quotes

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joe_blue poems and quotes Empty joe_blue poems and quotes

Post  joe_blue Sat Sep 26, 2009 11:13 pm

stranger came along
Filled my heart with a joyous song
I thought she's the man that I've been waited for so long
But i realized that I was wrong.

In her love I've been so blind
I gave everything but she did not mind
I hope that she will be mine
And yet i found out that i kept behind.

Though i thought that I've been so fool
but still my love for you conquers all
I never imagined how it came so cruel
If you treated me like a tool.

If you really love me, please find way
Beacause missing you is what i suffered each day
I hope that today we will be okay
'coz all i want for you is to STAY.

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Age : 33

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joe_blue poems and quotes Empty NURSING PROFESSION

Post  joe_blue Sat Sep 26, 2009 11:16 pm

Nurses are the best in giving care
they tend to care people in fair
Though sometimes it is not obviously clear
that they also feel the fear.

Patients are the best sources of their love
taht's why they acting like a dove
giving their hands with a pair of gloves
and hoping taht somebody will help them from above.

Nurses know everyhting about life
they want to help people to keep them alive
they are maling hundreds of steps to save lives
and witnessing the beginning and ending of life.

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joe_blue poems and quotes Empty spioled LOVE

Post  joe_blue Sat Sep 26, 2009 11:17 pm


Love is a spoiled one
for it takes your time
for it takes your effort
for it takes you.

For love means everything
doing because they want to see
telling because they want to hear
giving because they want it.

For it takes all
all that you have
for love is a spoiled one
for it is love.

For it is magnimity
for it is happines
for it is life
life of a in love person.

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Age : 33

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joe_blue poems and quotes Empty Re: joe_blue poems and quotes

Post  joe_blue Sat Sep 26, 2009 11:18 pm


Sorry for the things ive done

for the times I'm freak

for the times i'm fool

fool because of you

not because of what and who

for the words ive used too

that hurted you, for it is nothing from me

but it wound

sorry fot it was not intentionally to mean to mean it

because u mean to me

for my world sorrounds you and i cared you so much

sorry for everything I had done to you

for the offenses and uses of hand sporadically




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joe_blue poems and quotes Empty Re: joe_blue poems and quotes

Post  joe_blue Sat Sep 26, 2009 11:18 pm


Goodbye not because i hate u
nor I'll leave you
but to let you know i love you
i need to do this just to save you
for i know, I am the root
the root of all happening to us
I dont want to do this, but this is the only way
maybe you could say I am so weak
because of you
I am afraid that they will use you
to ruin me
for I will die
you mean so much to me
and i love you
this the only way, to say goodbye
with a memories to flashback
goodbye dear beloved friend....

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joe_blue poems and quotes Empty Re: joe_blue poems and quotes

Post  joe_blue Sat Sep 26, 2009 11:19 pm


A positive thinker

always choose


not to



not to



not to




not to


and to


not to



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joe_blue poems and quotes Empty Re: joe_blue poems and quotes

Post  bHaBiE_bGeE_16 :] Tue Sep 29, 2009 8:35 am

love is love Smile

bHaBiE_bGeE_16 :]
bHaBiE_bGeE_16 :]

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joe_blue poems and quotes Empty Re: joe_blue poems and quotes

Post  joe_blue Wed Sep 30, 2009 7:59 am


For all the saints
Whom no one thought to name
No litany of bliss
For their praise proclaims

For the homely saints
No halo aglow
Favored by the Lord
But to us so so

For the ruined saints
Who craved no boardroom glee
But offered their arms
And gave without fee

For the tattered saints
Who found no rest at home
But served in patient woe
And shrank in hearts alone

For the silent saints
Captured by their pain
Offering it to Him
For salvation’s gain

For the saint unseen
By power or by peer
The crownless heir of love
Raised on Christ’s bier

The lumpen hump of flesh
Draped across bench
Whose spit is his smile
And bouquet his stench

For the blithering saint
Whose strings of words bemuse
His blank stare runs counter
To the civil use

For the stunted saints
No worldly stature given
Graced by a shrug
And through neglect shriven

For the hidden saints
Caught in His eye
Reflections of God’s love
In ordinary guise

The humble face of saints
Lies in the dust
By Him only prized

For these great saints
We have yet to know
Celebrate today!
Feast on crow.

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Age : 33

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joe_blue poems and quotes Empty Re: joe_blue poems and quotes

Post  joe_blue Wed Sep 30, 2009 8:00 am

You're Everything

I am the constellation, to your night
And I am the shelter to your storms
I'm the deepest of your desires, and
The flame to your candle that burns.

I am the waves to your bluest ocean
I'm the rhythm, inside of your heart
I'm the rain that falls from your sky
I am the day that's before your dark.

I am the garden to your reddest rose
I'm all the stars, to your every night
I am the wings to help you soar and
The vision whenever you need sight.

I'm a sunrise, to your every morning
I am the treasure lost neath your sea
I'm the sunset to your every evening
I'm the beauty in nature that you see.

I'm the bird, who sings in your trees
I'm the dreams, whenever you sleep
I am the destiny you've searched for
And I am the journey, that you seek.

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Age : 33

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joe_blue poems and quotes Empty Re: joe_blue poems and quotes

Post  joe_blue Wed Sep 30, 2009 8:01 am


you were my girlfriend

you were my bestfriend

we were so great togeather

you promised to love me forever

you promised their was no one to take my place

you promised to give me my space

you promised to be there when i needed you

you promised to take care of me too

but, you kept pushing me to the end

always replacing me with your friends

until we have totally grown apart

didnt you know it would break my heart

now we are two different people in the same spot

pretending to be something we know were not

we always kiss and hug

just like we are still in love

we both know its not the same

there is no one here to take the blame

i just need someone to get me through it

i don't have many friends like you to do it

i'm glad your still here to listen

just someone to give me their attention

but we have tryed so many times before

now it feels like someone has closed that door

maybe someday we will try another first date

hopefully by then it wont be too late

i will love you till the end of time

but i might not be here when you make up your mind

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joe_blue poems and quotes Empty Re: joe_blue poems and quotes

Post  joe_blue Wed Sep 30, 2009 8:03 am


You hurt, you cheat
You lie, you steal
Your true self
Is slowly revealed

You hide your dark side
Only seen from afar
As to glide through life
Below the radar

As I tend my bleeding heart
That you stabbed a knife in
You're out prowling the streets
Searching for your next victim

But as always
Justice will prevail
You'll pay your dues
And I don't mean bail

Pray to the Holy God
Confess to him your sins
You may be forgiven
Or end up in Satan's den


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joe_blue poems and quotes Empty Re: joe_blue poems and quotes

Post  joe_blue Wed Sep 30, 2009 8:11 am

You're Everything

I am the constellation, to your night
And I am the shelter to your storms
I'm the deepest of your desires, and
The flame to your candle that burns.

I am the waves to your bluest ocean
I'm the rhythm, inside of your heart
I'm the rain that falls from your sky
I am the day that's before your dark.

I am the garden to your reddest rose
I'm all the stars, to your every night
I am the wings to help you soar and
The vision whenever you need sight.

I'm a sunrise, to your every morning
I am the treasure lost neath your sea
I'm the sunset to your every evening
I'm the beauty in nature that you see.

I'm the bird, who sings in your trees
I'm the dreams, whenever you sleep
I am the destiny you've searched for
And I am the journey, that you seek.


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joe_blue poems and quotes Empty Re: joe_blue poems and quotes

Post  joe_blue Wed Sep 30, 2009 8:12 am


For it is not to leave, hated nor to goodbye.

but to give space to each other,

forit is to crowded anymore.

a space given to one another

to have a time to think, realized

and to accpet each other by

who they are ,not by what they are.


for it is not to go, to leave

nor to goodbye.

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joe_blue poems and quotes Empty Re: joe_blue poems and quotes

Post  joe_blue Wed Sep 30, 2009 8:13 am

2Help, LORD, for no one loyal remains;
The faithful have vanished from the human race.

3Those who tell lies to one another
Speak with deceiving lips and a double heart.

4May the LORD cut off all deceiving lips,
And every boastful tongue,

5Those who say, “By our tongues we prevail;
When our lips speak, who can lord it over us?

6”Because they rob the weak, and the needy groan,
I will now arise,” says the LORD;
“I will grant safety to who ever long for it.

7The promises of the LORD are sure,
Silver refined in a crucible,
Silver purified seven times.
8Lord, protect us always;
Preserve us from this generation.

9On every side the wicked strut;
The shameless are extolled by all.


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joe_blue poems and quotes Empty Re: joe_blue poems and quotes

Post  joe_blue Wed Sep 30, 2009 8:14 am


One quality of our relationship
that deeply cherish
is our natural ability
to enjoy and appreciate
the time we have to spend
with one another.

When you are present,
the fun and happy moments
come so freely,
because we are never trying
to force an emotion.

When you are absent,
I cannot help but miss you,
yet the quality
of our time spent together
leaves me feeling
warm, happy, and content.

For all the times we have,
please continue to be yourself,
because that is the person
I admire, respect and love,
for yesterday, today, and tommorow.

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joe_blue poems and quotes Empty Re: joe_blue poems and quotes

Post  joe_blue Wed Sep 30, 2009 8:22 am


The laughter we shared in happy times
and the tears in sad ones
will all be tucted away
in my heart
behind a door marked "GOOD MEMORIES."
On quite days of remembrance,
I will remove these thoughts one by one
and I will think of you
with a happy sadness in my soul.
Though miles and months
may come between us,
you still be my friend and i will be yours -
always eager to hear from you\and share your life again.

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joe_blue poems and quotes Empty Re: joe_blue poems and quotes

Post  UnKnown... Mon Nov 09, 2009 1:50 am

ikaw na matalino haha dame mong alam


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joe_blue poems and quotes Empty Re: joe_blue poems and quotes

Post  UnKnown... Tue Nov 10, 2009 5:01 am



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joe_blue poems and quotes Empty Re: joe_blue poems and quotes

Post  UnKnown... Tue Nov 10, 2009 10:29 am

kilala na kita..

post na ulit ako ahh.. wala kc nag popost ehh


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joe_blue poems and quotes Empty Re: joe_blue poems and quotes

Post  UnKnown... Thu Nov 12, 2009 2:33 am



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joe_blue poems and quotes Empty Re: joe_blue poems and quotes

Post  UnKnown... Thu Nov 12, 2009 5:44 am

kilala na kita


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